Crystal Healing Level Two - Practitioners Course

Crystal Healing Level Two - Practitioner Course

Crystals have a beautiful energy and are wonderful to work with for self healing and for clients. You can also use them to help your own self progression and also add them to existing therapies, such as reiki and sound, that you may already offer.

This 2 day Crystal Healing Level Two Practitioner course follows on from the Crystal Healing Level One course. You will learn new and different crystal healing techniques along with the preparation to begin working on and treating clients.

Course Information

This Crystal Healing Level Two course enables you to become an insured practitioner in crystal healing if you wish. You may just want to further your own knowledge of crystals and use on them yourself, family and friends.

Over the 2 days you will learn further advanced techniques on helping heal and balance the mind, body and soul along with the energy centres – the chakras.

During the course you will experience and give practical application of the crystal techniques in class, which along with written reports of case studies and how crystals work, will qualify you for the practitioners certificate.

After these 2 days and once any case studies that are required are completed you will then be able to gain insurance as a practicing Crystal Healer.

The course work that is needed to complete the practitioners course involves 4 case studies, with written evidence of these and a written exercise on how crystals work. Feedback will be received along with your certificate once these are completed.

Requirements for Crystal Healing Level Two - Practitioners Course

This course follows on from my Crystal Healing Level One. This is the requirement for completing this course, however please get in touch if you have completed another crystal healing course elsewhere and we’ll discuss how you can progress further forward.

Places are non-refundable and I am unable to defer your places if you’re unable to attend. I do recommend you take out insurance if you wish to cover the cost of the workshop or course.

What you will learn

2 day course

Furthering your crystal journey


Β£100 deposit

to confirm your place with the remaining balance to be paid a month before the course start date.

Course dates
Got any questions about this course? Give me a call to find out more.