Sound and Energy Healing

Advanced Sound Healing Techniques

The advanced sound healing techniques course has evolved to offer further techniques and new additions to existing sound work you may already offer. The 2 days will incorporate self healing as well as extra learning in sound and energy.

This 2 day course can be a follow on from my first Sound & Energy Healing Practitioner course if you so wish. However, it is also a stand alone addition if you are already offering sound in any form. Please get in touch if you wish to see if this course works for you.

Course Information
This 2 day course will give you extra techniques, more confidence and new learnings while working with sound, energy and yourself.
The course will incorporate additional advanced flumi work that you can use on the gongs. You will develop a deeper insight into what you hear and how it works on a deeper level for those who may experience group and/or 1:1 sessions with yourself.
You will learn and receive a deeper understanding on native american drum healing techniques and how you can incorporate them into possible existing therapies or use as a stand alone treatment.
There will be voice work involving the use of song, mantra and vocal toning which again can be used in individual settings as well as group offerings.
I will share my knowledge on how you can begin your energy and drumming circles if you so wish. You will gain information on what to offer, how to hold them and what to do.
These 2 days will give you self healing as well as a deeper understanding of how sound and energy can help others in various ways. You will leave having given and experienced many ceremonies, rituals and sound and energy healing techniques. Along the way you will connect with like minded souls on a similar path as yourself. This has a wonderful way of allowing each of to grow and evolve.
Your investment is £333 for the 2 days and will gain you your Advanced Sound Healing Techniques certificate. A non-refundable deposit of £100 will secure your place with the remaining balance payable no later than a month prior to the course start date.
This course is accredited with The International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.
Requirements for Advanced Sound Healing Techniques Course

If you have completed the Sound & Energy Healing Practitioner Course with me then this is all the requirement you need to come on this course.

If you have any other sound healing training then please get in touch as this may be sufficient for you to attend this course without having completed my first sound course.

What you will learn

Hayley is a registered member of the UK Reiki Federation

2 day course

Evolve your sound journey further


£100 non-refundable deposit

Remaining balance to be paid a month before the course start date

Course dates
Got any questions about this course? Give me a call to find out more.